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Showing posts from May 6, 2018

It's Almost Time for Disc Jam 2018! - UPDATED WITH SCHEDULE!

5/8 - UPDATE!!! THE SCHEDULE IS AVAILABLE! (see the bottom of this post!) I can't begin to explain how much I am eagerly awaiting Disc Jam this year. When I found myself really, truly delving into the jam scene, it was for a lot of reasons. I was exploring music I already had a deep love for, I was exploring bands that my husband admired and helped to shape him, I was branching out in my music tastes out of my own curiosity about what I was missing, I was seeking a far more detailed understanding of the players who could go beyond a simple song and instead weave a whole story on the spot, but mostly I was seeking something much deeper for myself. I was seeking a peace that I desperately needed and just wasn't finding anywhere.  I have always felt deeply connected to the music that I loved and while I have been writing about music for 8 years, I lost much of the connection that I used to feel. My love for the music remains strong, but as stupid as it feels to put this...