The Disc Jam music festival has become one of my favorite spots to hear music that isn't yet on my radar. Sometimes just wandering the field in the middle of the day, something will catch my ear and stop me in my tracks. It's happened numerous times and it's one of the things I dig most about that gathering. This year was no exception. Case in point - Boston's own Dub Apocalypse. We happened to be cruising by the main stages this year when we felt that familiar sensation of something good in our ears and had to stop and listen. Oh look! That's Eli from Dopapod on keys, but who is that he is playing with?! This is fantastic! That guitar grooves like Gilmour! Holy magical woodwinds, Batman! Hey... is that Van Martin?! This was our introduction to who we realized was Dub Apocalypse. The band is a dub reggae instrumental group comprised of an incredible amount of knowledge and talent. So who exactly are these guys? This band is a blender full of experience, respe...
Blogging the music, the scene, and the vibe.