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Showing posts from May 21, 2017

Bringing the Soulful Groove with Caz Gardiner - It's Alright

As much as this last year has led me into so much delicious uncharted territory for me musically, there is something so comforting in heading back to what I know. Going and sitting down with the sounds who made me who I am. That is where I found myself this afternoon. I put on a record that was like curling up in a comfy chair with a warm blanket and a glass of wine. A little history: Back in 2012, I took off for Brooklyn to catch The Slackers annual Holiday Show at the Bell House. I was there on a wave of lemon cookies and Brooklyn Brewery beer with my friends in all things ska, Michelle and Chris. It was a good night for so many reasons. Good friends, laughing, getting in trouble for trying to leave Obi Fernandez's flyers everywhere (apparently, they frown on that), being as annoying as humanly possible in front of the stage until the Slackers gave in to my badgering and played Make Me favorite song. The first time I ever heard it live. It was an unforgettable nig...

The Road to Disc Jam Is Paved With Grooves and Good Vibes

Did you ever sit around with your friends drinking beer and ask one another just completely ridiculous questions? Things like, "If you could have coffee with anyone alive or dead, who would it be?" or "If you could invade anyone's closets for a week and get to wear their wardrobe, who would it be?" Then after a few beers it becomes things like, "If you could be any animal in space, what animal in space would you be...and why? YOU CAN'T PICK SQUIRREL!" Don't say no. You know you have been there. During those conversations, did you ever ask, "If you were setting up a festival and could pick any bands you wanted to be on it, who would you pick?" My husband and I have this discussion all the time. We love the idea of taking different genres and mixing them up but keeping it all dancy and full of good vibes and incredible musicians. There is so much crazy good music going on right now that the options are just all over the place. Well...